
Every day at Mafre we help our customers to move money safely and securely, processing thousands of transactions and moving money across the world.
We are determined to create and deliver solutions for a digital world that is always on



Our constant pursuit of advanced technologies remains one of the main points of our strategy, and the ever-expanding portfolio of our services, supported by a team of highly professional specialists, provides our customers and partners with a platform that provides them with new business development opportunities around the world.

Secure and reliable

Paying maximum attention to such aspects as security, compliance with market requirements and professional support, we are proud to offer our customers a reliable and secure environment for card processing and payments in accordance with the PCI DSS Level 1 standard. Using advanced technologies, we guarantee uninterrupted work at 99.99%.


Make your business easier with our modular system, which provides a wide range of functionality and is easily managed using an API, adapting to ever-changing business requirements. Our adaptive infrastructure, as well as reliable customer support, will easily enable you to orient your business towards new trends as they emerge.


The processing center Mafre provides high quality financial services and provides direct connection to the authorization and clearing systems Visa and MasterCard worldwide. To solve the problems of our customers, we have created a scalable platform that guarantees easy integration through the application API or SOAP interfaces.

Mafre features

One-click payment

One-click payments are perfectly suited for your loyal or repeat customers to pay for goods or services within a second. With Mafre`s one-click payments, you can simplify payments and integrate the PAY NOW button into your website or mobile app, making online shopping as simple as one click

Oroginal Credit Transaction (OCT) and Money Send

We offer a safe and reliable solution to send money to the customer with only a card number. Our innovative service enables secure money transfers to all Visa and MasterCard accounts allowing processing transaction refund.

Payment by linkand invoice

A simple and convenient feature that enables to create and send customised emails to your customers with a PAY NOW button. The button generates an invoice and lets customers pay by credit and debit card.

+ Recurring billing

You will be able to charge a customer a subscription on a repeat basis. The customer will only need to enter the card details once and the payment will be deducted automatically according to the predefined schedule.

MOTO payment

Accept payments over the phone or by fax. MOTO is a secure web-based portal that can also work as a virtual POS. You can accept payments from anywhere with only an internet connection.

Dynamic Description

A dynamic descriptor allows describing a payment to help identify a transaction. Cardholders will get a clearer readability of their bank statements and can easy recognise transactions. Merchants can reduce the risk of chargeback and transaction dispute.

Airline Addendum

Our Airline Addendum service allows adding additional information regarding airline transaction to the account statement. Full transaction transparency and simplified accounting for companies allow airlines to increase the volume of transactions with corporate cards.

Multi-currency processing

Mafre accepts multi-currency payments as part of standard processing services. Global customers require merchants to offer flexible payment methods, which creates more opportunities for business growth and international expansion. We offer processing in KZT, USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, CHF, DKK, SEK, CAD, NOK, PLN, RUB, CZK and other currencies.

3D Secure
3D Secure is a joint initiative of Visa, MasterCard, and Amex to improve the security of card-not-present transaction processing. This added layer of protection provides safe and secure online payment experience via supplementary password validated by the card issuer.
Fraud and Risk Management

Our services allow you to monitor transactions and set parameters for anti-fraud safety measures. A range of restrictions integrated with 3-D Secure allows you to experience efficient fraud protection while maximising numbers of successful transactions.

Dispute Management

Mafre provides Acquirers with dispute management services, including chargeback processing, refunds, and claims to the merchants. We also offer comprehensive reporting and analytical services to help manage and improve card processing functions and decrease costs.